Take the Pledge to be Green
SustainableEHC offers these tips for living green and ensuring a sustainable future for all residents:
- Recycle every two weeks according to the ACUA pick up schedule for EHC. Remember to recycle cereal boxes and all cans, bottles junk mail and newspapers.
- Reduce waste by purchasing products with less packaging.
- Avoid using plastic bags. Put some reusable bags in your car for when you go shopping.
- Recycle electronics at the Highway Garage.
- Switch to LED lightbulbs to save energy and money. They last 10 times as long as CFLs, and use a lot less energy.
- Purchase a setback thermostat to save money on your heating bill.
- Don’t put anything down the storm drains, except rainwater. Avoid products with microbeads that enter the food chain when they are injected by fish in the ocean.
- Eat locally sourced food products that support local farmers and save money and energy on transporting products to market.
- Plant native plant species and those that attract butterflies, bees and wildlife.
- Plant trees for shade, to clean the air, and beautify your neighborhood. Plant native species.
- Pick up after your pets. It's the law. Dispose of pet waste properly, especially when visiting the city’s public parks.
- Rise Above Plastics . Learn more here.
- Join our green team to learn more about how you can become part of the solution.